About IHBC
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) is the professional body for building conservation practitioners and historic environment experts.
With services and practice standards focussed on professionalism and continuing professional development (CPD) the IHBC provides resources for members as well as the wider public:
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alerts to quality job openings in the sector
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notifies of upcoming training, events, and other sector opportunities
find out more about IHBC membership.
The IHBC exists to establish, develop, and maintain the highest standards of conservation practice, to support the effective protection and enhancement of the historic environment, and to promote heritage-led regeneration and access to the historic environment for all.
Organised through a network of regional and national branches throughout the UK, IHBC members come from a range of professional disciplines in the public, private, and voluntary sectors, including conservation officers, planners, architects, engineers, regeneration practitioners, academics, and more. Find out more on how to join the IHBC.
About Conservation Wiki
Conservation Wiki is part of the Designing Buildings Wiki platform created to make construction industry knowledge freely available to everyone. Anyone can create articles about subjects they know and find articles about subjects they don't.
Conservation Wiki is operated by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation. It provides a platform for sharing knowledge about the conservation of the built and historic environment, including traditional and modern buildings, conservation areas, historic high streets, and more.
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IHBC NewsBlog
Purcell’s guidance on RAAC for Listed Buildings in England & Wales
The guidance specifically focuses on Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in listed buildings.
IHBC Membership Journal Context - Latest Issue on 'Hadrian's Wall' Published
The issue includes takes on the wall 'end-to-end' including 'the man who saved it'.
Heritage Building Retrofit Toolkit developed by City of London and Purcell
The toolkit is designed to provide clear and actionable guidance for owners, occupiers and caretakers of historic and listed buildings.
70 countries sign Declaration de Chaillot at Buildings & Climate Global Forum
The declaration is a foundational document enabling progress towards a ‘rapid, fair, and effective transition of the buildings sector’
Bookings open for IHBC Annual School 12-15 June 2024
Theme: Place and Building Care - Finance, Policy and People in Conservation Practice
Rare Sliding Canal Bridge in the UK gets a Major Update
A moveable rail bridge over the Stainforth and Keadby Canal in the Midlands in England has been completely overhauled.
'Restoration and Renewal: Developing the strategic case' Published
The House of Commons Library has published the research briefing, outlining the different options for the Palace of Westminster.
Brum’s Broad Street skyscraper plans approved with unusual rule for residents
A report by a council officer says that the development would provide for a mix of accommodation in a ‘high quality, secure environment...
English Housing Survey 2022 to 2023
Initial findings from the English Housing Survey 2022 to 2023 have been published.
Audit Wales research report: Sustainable development?
A new report from Audit Wales examines how Welsh Councils are supporting repurposing and regeneration of vacant properties and brownfield sites.